Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ready for the New Season!

I hope everyone had a great Summer experience although many Cities were hot which led many people to seek indoor activities, or either water locations to keep cool. Fall season can be a great time of the year to engage in outdoor activities even more than Summer. It's not as hot nor humid conditions which makes it great to engage in Physical Fitness outdoor events!

We are fast approaching the months that bring with them celebrations which cause for all kinds of extra Foods and goodies that we normally don't consume other times of the year. Take Halloween for instance, that is a time when Children and Adults both consume More Sweets and other sugary foods than any other time of the year. Then following this event comes Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. These are the Holidays and events that will cause us to gain more weight than any other time of the year, and also the time of the year when most people are the least active. With the end results being an increased weight gain. Then getting ready to start the New Year all over again with the number one New Years Resolution being at the top of our list "To Live a more Healthier lifestyle!" I say the best time to start that Resolution is Right NOW!

This way you're ahead of the game and more motivated to remain active during the winter Months and continuing to maintain your idea Health and Fitness goals. You CAN Do it!